We all know tech is the future, but sincerely, as believers, we deserve a future where believers are featured, so in this series, Henotace Media was highly honored to grant an exclusive interview with the C.E.O of Ayaweisoft Limited, a successful software developer and business development expert, Ayawei promise.
Enjoy this exclusive interview.

Henotace : Can we meet you?
Ayaweisoft : My name is Promise Ayawei, i hail from southern ijaw from Koluama II community in bayelsa state.
I am the CEO of Ayaweisoft limited, Ayaweisoft started as a registered business in 2016 and then became a limited liability company in 2020.
I am a passionate tech enthusiast, i am more of techpreneur than a software developer. I don’t write code as much again, i am into the business of building platforms and softwares.
Henotace: How has the journey for you, starting from the scratch to meeting influential people.
Ayaweisoft : For me, the journey of making money via technology, the first thing i will say is that there is absolutely no way you can make it in this industry if you are not willing to be patient and willing to pay your dues, there is no need of starting, i have been talking to certain young people who believe because they know how to code, they have learnt react native, they believe they can begin to make money in six figures , go and ask people at least better than you, you will realize it took some of them minimum 5 years. If you want to make it in tech, you must learn to pace yourself and give yourself time. it allows you to learn, to serve and build relationships.
Henotace : Can you share with us an example of a successful business development initiative where you implemented technology to achieve your goals.
Ayaweisoft : I believe the Hallmark of a business developer is to be able to solve problems, we have been able to achieve that in a lot of ways, for example, when we built a school management platform which is been used by a lot of schools at the moment, another example is building an election management platform, also quiz management platform and event management platform, we have used the initiatives to solve problems and earn from them as well
Henotace : Were there times you almost gave up when building these softwares?
Ayaweisoft: I believe this is a platform to share our experiences and those who are younger can also learn. You know very well that, if you are looking for 1000 naira, you need to raise 10% of it, if you are looking for 500,000 you need to get at least 10%, so you need money to find money, this is the biggest challenge we have all faced in our lifetime, i almost gave up when we were pushing some projects, particularly the event management and our quiz platform because funds were not readily available and it was very frustrating, some team members had to drop ,some lost commitment, it lasted for 24months, it was very challenging.
Henotace: How do you incorporate your faith values in your business, because our focus is Christianity and tech.
Ayaweisoft: First of all, i am able to do that by adopting some of the principle of scripture, one of it is to make sure i am straight forward in my business dealings with everyone, i don’t cut corners, then the principle of fairness, when peter came to meet Jesus, he was like master, what is in it for me, Jesus said follow me and i will make you fishers of men, so there was a promise infront.
When you work with people, they should have value for the services they are rendering to you, even if you know very well they won’t be there till the end, but while they are working with you, do not be dubious,do not shortchange them, if the value of their service is 200k and you can’t pay that at the moment, try and make them understand their value is very good but you can’t pay them now, when things improve, compensate them.
Henotace: What advice do you give young professionals and Christians looking to come into tech industry
Ayaweisoft: First is before you start, count the cost. Many people feel that because they have heard that tech is the new oil, they feel once you move into tech, you will have jobs and things will happen very quickly, it may not always happen that way.
You must be ready for times when you will be hungry, times when you will spend your money on fuel. As a matter of fact, your learning curve alone if you are very fast is about 2 years.
Number 2- Be willing and ready to serve somebody, in our generation everybody want to bear C.E.O, so they quickly leave systems and structures that will help to build certain aspects of your life. Writing code is not what will keep you in a tech company. it will shock you to know if you are going to write interview for Google or some of these tech companies, offcourse they will check for your proficiency in the position they want to hire you for, the next thing they will check is your team spirit, how are you able to cope with others and that is where most persons fail, nobody wants to employ someone who has character flaws, these are things young persons need to understand, what i will say is, in your journey, learn to walk with people.
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