Learn Softskills Development
Understand team work, conflict management, time management, emotional intelligence and a host of skills to aid workplace growth

Specially Designed for Beginners
No Prior Experience Needed

Start with zero experience, you can become a master in few weeks
Learn from Proffessionals

Our tutors are professionals in the field, its more than coaching, its mentoring.
Learn by Practice

We learn by practice, you have enough case studies to keep you engaged .
Learning Model
- Self-awareness and emotional intelligence
- Time management and personal effectiveness
- Communications and effective customer service
- Critical thinking and problem-solving
- Teamwork and conflict management
- Exam
- Issuance of certificate
Course Features
- Active engagement with enriched course contents
- Physical, Online learning, or self paced learning model
- Skill level : Beginner
- Assessmment : Assignment , exam.
- Pass mark : 70%
- Certification : Yes
Course Benefits
- Issuance of certificates after successful course completion
- Excellent Self and Team Management
- Personal Branding Sessions
- CV Templates and Personalized Portfolio
- DJT Alumni Membership
- Participation in hackathons, seminars and other events hosted by DJT
- Mentorship
Our Alumni Say it Better
ALL thanks to djtconcept, I am a web developer today because of what I learnt from djtconcept about web development from the scratch, I am really happy to be here, and recommend it for everyone else aspiring to be a web developer.

Chukwumaijem Franklyn
I Learnt Web Development from Djtconcept and it was a wonderful experience for me, i cant believe how much i have learnt, all thanks to Djtconcept, i give them five stars because they are really good at what they do.

Goodness Williams
DJT CONCEPT is actually the best place I have ever been taught anything on cyber security which make them the best among the best here in Nigeria

Owolabi Basit
I learnt microsoft package and i am learning web development at djtconcept, the experience is wonderful

maryann Ifemazi
Honor & Recognition